@article{oai:otemae.repo.nii.ac.jp:00000989, author = {SHODA, Masaru and SHODA, Masaru}, journal = {大手前女子大学論集, The Journal of Otemae Women's University}, month = {Nov}, note = {2000000961, To measure the viscosity of a transparent viscous liquid such as glycerine, the falling ball method based on the Stokes's law is widely used, The essential part of this method is the measurement of velocity of falling ball through liquid, of this which is influenced by the proximity of the walls of the containing vessel, as well as by the radii of balls. This paper describes the results of measurement of falling telocitiesofballsthroughtheliquid(glycerine}undervariousconditions. The illustlated example of viscosimetric measurement of glycerine is given. By means of the rotating shutter strobe camera, the initial transitional phenomena of motion of falling balls through liquid until a terminal velocity is reached are also studied.}, pages = {97--105}, title = {Experiment on falling balls through a transparent viscous liquid}, volume = {2}, year = {1968}, yomi = {SHODA, Masaru} }