@article{oai:otemae.repo.nii.ac.jp:00000416, author = {MIZOGUCHI, Tadashi and 溝口, 正}, journal = {大手前大学社会文化学部論集, Otemae Journal of Socio-Cultural Studies}, month = {Mar}, note = {2000000407, Body mass index (BMI) is commonly used to identify obesity. I conducted a questionnaire survey on BMI, accompanied by awareness of body shape and dietary patterns of male and female students of Otemae University. Non obese individuals with BMI≦25 were 90%, while obese individuals with BMI≧26 were 10% of the students of Otemae University. This incidence of obesity among the students was evidently lower than that of the general population. Regarding the survey of awareness of their own body shape, 88.3% of female students desired to have a slim body figure, which was about two fold higher than that of male students. The percentage of male students who were unaware of their own body shape was 22.5%, while that of female students was only 4.8%. It was surprising that a significant number of female students were not particular about their own body shape. A survey of the students' dietary pattern revealed that the majority of male and female students were eating mainly some Japanese food, such as rice as the main source of carbohydrate, meat and fish as the main protein sources, and soybean paste soup. It was noteworthy that a very low percentage of the students were eating Western food such as bread and meat.}, pages = {81--90}, title = {日本人学生の体型認識、食事様式ならびにBMI値(大手前大学学生の事例)}, volume = {5}, year = {2005}, yomi = {ミゾグチ, タダシ} }